This wasn't the greatest film, much of it could've been improved or left out, like the child's birthday party that Erica (Nova Pilbeam) and Robert (Derrick De Marney) attend. Sequences like that were too much of non-sequiturs. Often times it was difficult to understand how the police feel about Robert and Erica, since Erica is the daughter of the chief (Percy Marmont).
Also, the criminal in black face who faints (George Curzon) along with Erica coincidentally going over to help him even though she's detained was too coincidental. It would've made more sense for passerbys going towards the fainter and as they see the police leave they ask for help, then maybe when he comes back he says the man had a strange eye twitch (the whole point why Erica is at the hotel). That would trigger her to rush over a little bit smoothly. Even Curzon's character fainting was too easy, I was hoping for a more artfully crafted ending.
That being said, when Erica is sitting with Old Will (Edward Rigby) giving up at the table, and then we cut to a wide shot sweeping through the dance floor, then crane in closer and closer to the criminal all the way into his eyes...that was cool.
The most successful part of this film was the relationship between Robert and Erica. They are the only two people that really understand one another and their dynamic was fun to watch. Individually they are great characters, and when they come together they shine that much more. The rest of the movie I could do without. Just like Rich and Strange, the direction of the film jumped around. Although for that film at least "strange" is in the title, so we know a little bit of what we're getting into.